- getAction(String) - Static method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Returns a named text area action.
- getActionName(ActionListener) - Static method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Returns the name of the specified text area action.
- getActions() - Static method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Returns an keyset of all available actions.
- getAnchorOffset() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getBracketHighlightColor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the bracket highlight color.
- getBracketLine() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the line of the highlighted bracket (the bracket matching the one before the caret)
- getBracketPosition() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the position of the highlighted bracket (the bracket matching the one before the caret)
- getCancelAction() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
- getCaretColor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the caret color.
- getCaretLine() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the caret line.
- getCaretPosition() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the caret position.
- getChanges() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DiffBase
Return the list of Changes.
- getClass(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the TokenMarker class associated with a syntax name.
- getCodeEditorDefaults() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Return the CodeEditorDefaults.
- getColor(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorHighlighter
Return the highlight color for a specified line number.
- getColor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorHighlighter.Highlight
Return the Color.
- getColor() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxStyle
Returns the color specified in this style.
- getContentPane() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractDialogPane
Return the dialog content.
- getContext() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the context.
- getContextOffset() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the context offset.
- getCurrentEditor() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.JAppEditor
Return the currently selected Editor.
- getDefaults() - Static method in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
Returns a new CodeEditorDefaults object with the default values filled in.
- getDefaultSyntax() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the default syntax.
- getDefaultSyntaxStyles() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxUtilities
Returns the default style table.
- getDialog() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
- getDialog() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractDialogPane
Return the associated Dialog.
- getDiffAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
Return the diff algorithm.
- getDiffAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DefaultDiffEngine
Return the diff algorithm
- getDiffAlgorithm() - Method in interface org.jeditor.diff.DiffEngine
Return the diff algorithm
- getDiffAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Return the diff algorithm
- getDocument() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the document.
- getDocument() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the document this editor is editing.
- getDocumentLength() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the length of the document.
- getDot() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor.MutableCaretEvent
- getEditor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractContextEditorPopup
Return the editor.
- getEditor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractEditorPopup
Return the editor.
- getEditor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Return the JEditor.
- getEditor() - Method in interface org.jeditor.gui.EditorPopup
Return the editor.
- getEditor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Return the Editor.
- getEditorStateListeners() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Return the list of state listeners.
- getElectricScroll() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the number of lines from the top and button of the editor that are always visible.
- getEndOffset() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorHighlighter.HighlightZone
Return the end offset.
- getEOLMarkerColor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the EOL marker color.
- getEOLMarkersPainted() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns true if EOL markers are drawn, false otherwise.
- getExtension() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane.TextFile
Return the file extension.
- getExtensions() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.Syntax
Return the supported extensions for the syntax.
- getFile() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
Return the associated file.
- getFile() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane.TextFile
Return the file.
- getFileData() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.Diff
- getFileType() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
Return the associated file type.
- getFirstLine() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the line displayed at the editor's origin.
- getFirstType() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SyntaxManager
- getFontMetrics() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the font metrics used by this component.
- getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxStyle
Returns the font metrics for the styled font.
- getFrame() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
- getFromEditor() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- getFromFile() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- getGraphicsFlags(Font) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxStyle
Sets the foreground color and font of the specified graphics context to that specified in this style.
- getGutter() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractGutterHandler
Rturn the Gutter.
- getGutter() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the gutter to the left of the editor or null if the gutter is disabled
- getGutterHandler() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Return the gutter handler which draws specific graphics and handles right clicks on the gutter.
- getGutterHandler() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Return the gutter handler which draws specific graphcis and handles right clicks on the gutter.
- getGutterWidth() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Get the width of the expanded gutter
- getHighlight(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorHighlighter
Return the highlight for a specified line number.
- getHighlightedForeground() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Get the foreground color for highlighted line numbers
- getHighlights() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorHighlighter
Return the highlights.
- getHorizontalOffset() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the horizontal offset of drawn lines.
- getHorizontalScrollBar() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.KeywordMap
Returns true if the keyword map is set to be case insensitive, false otherwise.
- getImageName(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractGutterHandler
Return the image resource name binding for a specified line number.
- getInputHandler() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the input handler.
- getInstance(int, int) - Static method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchDialog
Return the unique instance.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchDialog
Return the unique instance.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the unique instance.
- getInvalidLinesPainted() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns true if invalid lines are painted as red tildes (~), false otherwise.
- getKeymap() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Fetches the keymap currently active in this text component.
- getKeymap(String) - Static method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Fetches a named keymap previously added to the document.
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.pack.GroovyTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.pack.PovrayTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.pack.RubyTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.CCTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.CSharpTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.CTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.EiffelTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.FortranTokenMarker
Return the keyword map.
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.IDLTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.JavaScriptTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.JavaTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.PythonTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.SPARQLTokenMarker
- getKeywords() - Static method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.TurtleTokenMarker
- getLanguage() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
- getLastKeyword() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.KeywordMap
Return the last keyword key.
- getLeftDiffLines() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DefaultDiffEngine
Return the left diff lines.
- getLeftEditor() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Return the left editor.
- getLeftText() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DefaultDiffEngine
Return the left text.
- getLeftText() - Method in interface org.jeditor.diff.DiffEngine
Return the left text.
- getLeftText() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Return the left text.
- getLine() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DiffEngine.DiffLine
Return the line text.
- getLineCount() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the number of lines in the document.
- getLineCount() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.TokenMarker
Returns the number of lines in this token marker.
- getLineEndOffset(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the end offset of the specified line.
- getLineHighlightColor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the line highlight color.
- getLineLength(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the length of the specified line.
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DiffEngine.DiffLine
Return the line number.
- getLineNumber(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Return the line number for an y position on the gutter.
- getLineNumberAlignment() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Identifies whether the horizontal alignment of the line numbers.
- getLineNumberOffset() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Return the line number offset.
- getLineOfOffset(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Returns the line containing the specified offset.
- getLineOfOffset(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the line containing the specified offset.
- getLines(String) - Static method in class org.jeditor.diff.Diff
Return a list of lines from a String.
- getLines(File) - Static method in class org.jeditor.diff.Diff
Return a list of lines from a File.
- getLineStartOffset(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the start offset of the specified line.
- getLineText(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the text on the specified line.
- getLineText(int, Segment) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Copies the text on the specified line into a segment.
- getLocation(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Retunr the location of a position in the document.
- getMacroRecorder() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Returns the macro recorder.
- getMagicCaretPosition() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the `magic' caret position.
- getMark() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor.MutableCaretEvent
- getMarkLine() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the mark line.
- getMarkPosition() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the mark position.
- getMaxHorizontalScrollWidth() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Return the current maximum horizontal scroll width.
- getMaxLineWidth(int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.TokenMarker
Returns the maximum line width in the specified line range.
- getMaxWidth() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Return the maximum line width.
- getMIMETypes() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.Syntax
Return the supported mime types for the syntax.
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the painter's minimum size.
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
- getMinimumSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getName() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- getName() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane.TextFile
Return the file name.
- getName() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.Syntax
Return the syntax name.
- getNewLine(int, int) - Method in interface org.jeditor.diff.DiffEngine
- getNextWord(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the next word.
- getPainter() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the object responsible for painting this editor.
- getPopup() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
Return the popup which will be used when right-clicking on the editor.
- getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the painter preferred size.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getPreviousWord(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the previous word.
- getRepeatCount() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Returns the number of times the next action will be repeated.
- getRightClickPopup() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the right click popup menu.
- getRightDiffLines() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DefaultDiffEngine
Return the right diff lines.
- getRightEditor() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Return the right editor.
- getRightText() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DefaultDiffEngine
Return the right text.
- getRightText() - Method in interface org.jeditor.diff.DiffEngine
Return the right text.
- getRightText() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Return the right text.
- getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getSearchEngine() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.JAppEditor
Return the Search engine.
- getSearchIndex() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Return the search index.
- getSearchOffset() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Return the search offset.
- getSearchString() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchDialog
Return the search string.
- getSegmentMapKey(Segment, int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.KeywordMap
- getSelectedText() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the selected text, or null if no selection is active.
- getSelectionColor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the selection color.
- getSelectionEnd() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the selection end offset.
- getSelectionEnd(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the offset where the selection ends on the specified line.
- getSelectionEndLine() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the selection end line.
- getSelectionStart() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the selection start offset.
- getSelectionStart(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the offset where the selection starts on the specified line.
- getSelectionStartLine() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the selection start line.
- getStartOffset() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorHighlighter.HighlightZone
Return the start offset.
- getState() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DiffEngine.DiffLine
Return the line diff state.
- getStringMapKey(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.KeywordMap
- getStyledFont(Font) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxStyle
Returns the specified font, but with the style's bold and italic flags applied.
- getStyles() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the syntax styles used to paint colorized text.
- getSyntax() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxTokenizer
Return the SyntaxTokenizer syntax name.
- getSyntax(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the Syntax for a syntax name.
- getSyntaxDocument(String, String) - Static method in class org.jeditor.core.TextUtilities
Return a SyntaxDocument from a text.
- getSyntaxDocument() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Convenience method (returns same Document as getDocument()).
- getSyntaxes() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the mapping between syntax names and their associated TokenMarker classes.
- getSyntaxExtensions() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the Map of syntax for scripts extensions.
- getSyntaxForExtension(File) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the syntax associated with a file.
- getSyntaxForExtension(File, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the syntax associated with a file.If there is no file extension, or there is no syntax for the extension, it will return the default syntax.
- getSyntaxForExtension(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the syntax associated with a MIME type, or null if there is no syntax for this MIME type.
- getSyntaxForExtension(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the syntax associated with an extension, or null if there is no syntax for this extension.
- getSyntaxForMIME(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the syntax associated with a MIME type, or null if there is no syntax for this MIME type.
- getSyntaxForMIME(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the syntax associated with a MIME type, or null if there is no syntax for this MIME type.
- getSyntaxForMIMETypes() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the Map of syntax for scripts MIME types.
- getSyntaxList() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Return the set of scripts names.
- getSyntaxType() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.Syntax
Return the syntax type.
- getTabSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
- getTabSize() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Return the size of the tab.
- getTabSizeValue() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
- getText() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane.TextFile
Return the file text.
- getText() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the entire text of the editor.
- getText(int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the specified substring of the document.
- getText(int, int, Segment) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Copies the specified substring of the document into a segment.
- getTextArea(EventObject) - Static method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Returns the text area that fired the specified event.
- getTextToSearch() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Return the text to search.
- getToFile() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- getToken() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the Token.
- getTokenMarker() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Returns the token marker that is to be used to split lines of this document up into tokens.
- getTokenMarker() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the document's token marker.
- getTokenMarkerClazz() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.Syntax
Return the Syntax TokenMarker class.
- getTokenMarkerFromExt(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SyntaxManager
- getTokenMarkerFromType(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SyntaxManager
- getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Returns the tool tip to display at the specified location.
- getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in interface org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter.Highlight
Returns the tool tip to display at the specified location.
- getType(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SyntaxManager
- getTypeList() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SyntaxManager
Return the Vector of syntaxes.
- getUIClassID() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Return the class ID for the UI.
- getUndoManager() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Return the document UndoManager.
- getVerticalScrollBar() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- getVisibleLines() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Returns the number of lines visible in this editor.
- getWord(SyntaxDocument, int) - Static method in class org.jeditor.core.TextUtilities
Return the word corresponding to an offset in a SyntaxDocument.
- getWord() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the word.
- getWordLength() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the word length.
- getWordOffset() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.Word
Return the word offset.
- getYesAction() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
- getZones() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorHighlighter.ZoneHighlight
Add a highlighted zones on the line.
- gotoAnchor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Go to anchor position
- grabAction - Variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- grabNextKeyStroke(ActionListener) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Grabs the next key typed event and invokes the specified action with the key as a the action command.
- GroovyTokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.pack
Groovy token marker.
- GroovyTokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.pack.GroovyTokenMarker
- GUIPrint - Class in org.jeditor.diff
A DiffBase wich creates a
from each diff hunk.
- GUIPrint(List, List) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.diff.GUIPrint
- GUIPrint(Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.diff.GUIPrint
- GUIPrint(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.diff.GUIPrint
- gutter - Variable in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractGutterHandler
The Gutter.
- Gutter - Class in org.jeditor.gui
The Gutter implementation.
- Gutter(JEditor, CodeEditorDefaults) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
- gutterBgColor - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The gutter background color.
- gutterBorderColor - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The gutter border color.
- gutterBorderWidth - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The gutter border width.
- gutterCollapsed - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
True if the gutter is collapsed.
- gutterExpandable - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
True if the gutter can be expanded or collapsed.
- gutterFgColor - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The gutter foreground color.
- gutterFont - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The gutter font.
- GutterHandler - Interface in org.jeditor.gui
The GutterHandler allows to draw custom elements or show custom Popup menus on the Gutter.
- gutterHighlightColor - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The gutter highlight color.
- gutterNumberAlignment - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The gutter number alignment.
- gutterWidth - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The gutter width.