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tabSize - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The tabulation size.
tabSize - Variable in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
TEXT - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxType
Represents a text type.
textco - Variable in class
TextFile() - Constructor for class
TextFile(File) - Constructor for class
TeXTokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers
TeX token marker.
TeXTokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.TeXTokenMarker
TextTokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers
Text token marker.
TextTokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.TextTokenMarker
TextUtilities - Class in org.jeditor.core
Class with several utility functions used by the text area component.
TextUtilities() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.core.TextUtilities
tofile - Variable in class
TOGGLE_RECT - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
toggle_rect() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler.toggle_rect
toggleCollapsed() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Toggles whether the gutter is collapsed or expanded.
Token - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.base
A linked list of tokens.
Token(int, byte) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.base.Token
Creates a new token.
token - Variable in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.TokenMarker.LineInfo
The id of the last token of the line.
tokenizeLines() - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Reparses the document, by passing all lines to the token marker.
tokenizeLines(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Reparses the document, by passing all lines to the token marker.
tokenizeLines(int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Reparses the document, by passing the specified lines to the token marker.
tokenizeLines(int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Reparses the document, by passing the specified lines to the token marker.
tokenMarker - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
The document TokenMarker.
TokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.base
A token marker that splits lines of text into tokens.
TokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.base.TokenMarker
Creates a new TokenMarker.
TokenMarker.LineInfo - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.base
Inner class for storing information about tokenized lines.
toString() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxStyle
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.Token
Returns a string representation of this token.
toString() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.Syntax
TSQLTokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers
TSQL token marker.
TSQLTokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.TSQLTokenMarker
TurtleTokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers
Turtle token marker.
TurtleTokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.TurtleTokenMarker
TurtleTokenMarker(KeywordMap) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.TurtleTokenMarker
type - Variable in class org.jeditor.diff.Change
The Change type.
TYPE_FULL_LINES - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.diff.DiffAlgorithm
The diff always shows full lines diff.
TYPE_WITHIN_LINES_BASIC - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.diff.DiffAlgorithm
The diff shows differences within lines, using a simple string comparison.
TYPE_WITHIN_LINES_DIFF - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.diff.DiffAlgorithm
The diff shows differences within lines, using the diff algorithm within each line.
typelist - Variable in class
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