- S_END - Static variable in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.PerlTokenMarker
- S_ONE - Static variable in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.PerlTokenMarker
- S_TWO - Static variable in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.PerlTokenMarker
- SAVE - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- save() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler.save
- SCRIPT - Static variable in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.PHPTokenMarker
- scrollTo(int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Ensures that the specified line and offset is visible by scrolling the editor if necessary.
- scrollToCaret() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Ensures that the caret is visible by scrolling the editor if necessary.
- search() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Open a Search dialog.
- search(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Open a Search dialog.
- search(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Search for a pattern.
- searchAction - Variable in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractContextEditorPopup
The search Action.
- searchAction - Variable in class org.jeditor.gui.DefaultEditorPopup
The search Action.
- SearchDialog - Class in org.jeditor.gui
This class is a Search Dialog.
- SearchEngine - Class in org.jeditor.gui
The Search engine.
- SearchEngine() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
- searchNext() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Search the next result.
- searchPrevious() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Search the previous result.
- select(int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Selects from the start offset to the end offset.
- SELECT_ALL - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- select_all() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler.select_all
- SELECT_DOC_END - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_DOC_HOME - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_END - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_HOME - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_NEXT_CHAR - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_NEXT_LINE - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_NEXT_PAGE - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_NEXT_WORD - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_PREV_CHAR - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_PREV_LINE - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_PREV_PAGE - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- SELECT_PREV_WORD - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- selectAll() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Selects all text in the document.
- selectionColor - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
The selection color.
- selectionColor - Variable in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
- selectionMarkColor - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
- selectNone() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Moves the mark to the caret position.
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractDialogPane
Set if the dialog is active.
- setAnchor() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Set the anchor postion.
- setAnchorMark(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
- setBlockCaretEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets if the caret should be drawn as a block, false otherwise.
- setBorder(int, Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Convenience method for setting a default matte border on the right
with the specified border width and color
- setBorder(Border) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
- setBracketHighlightColor(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets the bracket highlight color.
- setBracketHighlightEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Enables or disables bracket highlighting.
- setCaretBlinkEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Toggles caret blinking.
- setCaretColor(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets the caret color.
- setCaretMark(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
- setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the caret position.
- setCaretVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets if the caret should be visible.
- setCodeEditorDefaults(CodeEditorDefaults) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
- setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Sets whether the gutter is collapsed or expanded and force the text
area to update its layout if there is a change.
- setColors(Color, Color, Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Set the Colors.
- setComparables(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
- setComparables(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
- setDefaultKeymap() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
- setDefaultKeymap() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- setDefaults(CodeEditorDefaults) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
- setDefaults(CodeEditorDefaults) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Set the Gutter defaults.
- setDefaults(CodeEditorDefaults) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Set the CodeEditorDefaults.
- setDefaultSyntax(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxMapper
Set the default syntax.
- setDiffAlgorithm(short) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DefaultDiffEngine
Set the diff algorithm.
- setDiffAlgorithm(short) - Method in interface org.jeditor.diff.DiffEngine
Set the diff algorithm.
- setDiffAlgorithm(short) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Set the diff algorithm.
- setDocument(SyntaxDocument) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the document this editor is editing.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Set if the document is editable.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Sets if this component is editable.
- setEditable(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets if this component is editable.
- setEditor(JEditor) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractContextEditorPopup
Set the editor.
- setEditor(JEditor) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractEditorPopup
Set the editor.
- setEditor(JEditor) - Method in interface org.jeditor.gui.EditorPopup
Set the editor.
- setElectricScroll(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the number of lines from the top and bottom of the text area that are always visible
- setEOLMarkerColor(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets the EOL marker color.
- setEOLMarkersPainted(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets if EOL markers are to be drawn.
- setExpandable(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Sets whether the gutter can be expanded or colllapses.
- setFile(File) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
Set the file of the FilePane.
- setFile(File) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane.TextFile
Set the new file path.
- setFileType(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- setFileType(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.JAppEditor
- setFirstLine(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the line displayed at the editor's origin without updating the scroll bars.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets the font for this component.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
- setGraphicsFlags(Graphics, Font) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxStyle
Sets the foreground color and font of the specified graphics context to that specified in this style.
- setGutter(Gutter) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractGutterHandler
Set the Gutter.
- setGutterHandler(GutterHandler) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Set the gutter handler for drawing specific graphcis and handling right clicks on the gutter.
- setGutterHandler(GutterHandler) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Set the gutter handler for drawing specific graphcis and handling right clicks on the gutter.
- setGutterWidth(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Set the width of the expanded gutter
- setHighlightedForeground(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Set the foreground color for highlighted line numbers
- setHighlighter(CodeEditorHighlighter) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Set the highlighter.
- setHighlighter(CodeEditorHighlighter) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Set the CodeEditorHighlighter.
- setHorizontalOffset(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the horizontal offset of drawn lines.
- setIgnoreCase(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.KeywordMap
Sets if the keyword map should be case insensitive.
- setInputHandler(InputHandler) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the input handler.
- setInvalidLinesPainted(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets if invalid lines are to be painted as red tildes.
- setKeymap(Keymap) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the keymap to use for binding events to actions.
- setLineHighlightColor(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets the line highlight color.
- setLineHighlightEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Enables or disables current line highlighting.
- setLineNumberAlignment(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Sets the horizontal alignment of the line numbers.
- setLineNumberingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
Turns the line numbering on or off and causes the gutter to be
- setLineNumberOffset(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Set the line number offset.
- setLineWidth(int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.TokenMarker
Store the width of a line, in pixels.
- setMacroRecorder(InputHandler.MacroRecorder) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Sets the macro recorder.
- setMagicCaretPosition(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the `magic' caret position.
- setNotExistingLinesAsSpace(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.DefaultDiffEngine
Set if not existing lines should be represented as a null String.
- setOrigin(int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
A fast way of changing both the first line and horizontal offset.
- setOverwriteEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets if overwrite mode should be enabled.
- setPanel(FilePane.TextFile, boolean, SearchEngine) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- setPanel(FilePane.TextFile, FilePane.TextFile) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- setPopup(JPopupMenu) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
Set the popup which will be used when rightt-clicking on the editor.
- setRepeatCount(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Sets the number of times the next action will be repeated.
- setRepeatEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
Enables repeating.
- setRightClickPopup(JPopupMenu) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the right click popup menu.
- setScrollLink(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
- setSearch(String, JEditor, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Set the search parameters.
- setSearch(String, JEditor) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Set the search parameters.
- setSearchEngine(SearchEngine) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Set the search engine.
- setSearchEngine(SearchEngine) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchDialog
Set the Search Engine.
- setSearchOffset(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchEngine
Set the search offset.
- setSearchText(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.SearchDialog
Set the Search dialog text.
- setSelectedText(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Replaces the selection with the specified text.
- setSelectionColor(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets the selection color.
- setSelectionEnd(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the selection end.
- setSelectionMark(Color) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.Gutter
- setSelectionRectangular(boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets if the selection should be rectangular.
- setSelectionStart(int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the selection start.
- setStyle(byte, Color, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
Set a style for a Token.
- setStyles(CodeEditorDefaults) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
- setStyles(SyntaxStyle[]) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
Sets the syntax styles used to paint colorized text.
- setSyntax(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the document syntax.
- setSyntaxForExtension(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the document syntax from an extension.
- setSyntaxForMIME(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the document syntax from a MIME type.
- setSyntaxType(short) - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.Syntax
Set the syntax type.
- setTabSize(int) - Static method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- setText(File) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
- setText(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the entire text of the editor.
- setText(List<String>) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the entire text of the editor.
- SettingsDialog - Class in org.jeditor.app
A generic dialog component, with Yes / No buttons.
- SettingsDialog(Component, int, String, short) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
- setTokenMarker(TokenMarker) - Method in class org.jeditor.app.FilePane
- setTokenMarker(TokenMarker) - Method in class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
Sets the token marker that is to be used to split lines of this document up into tokens.
- setTokenMarker(TokenMarker) - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
Set the TokenMarker to use on both the left and the right lines.
- setTokenMarker(TokenMarker) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Sets the document's token marker.
- setUnchanged() - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.JEditor
Set the editor as unchanged.
- SHELL - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.scripts.SyntaxType
Represents a shell type.
- ShellScriptTokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers
Shell script token marker.
- ShellScriptTokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.ShellScriptTokenMarker
- SHIFT_LEFT - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- shift_left() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler.shift_left
- SHIFT_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
- shift_right() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler.shift_right
- show(Component, int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractEditorPopup
Displays the popup menu at the position x,y in the coordinate space of the component invoker.
- showDialog() - Method in class org.jeditor.app.SettingsDialog
Show the dialog.
- showDialog(Component, boolean, Point) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractDialogPane
Show this dialog at a location.
- showDialog(Component, boolean) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractDialogPane
Show this dialog relative to its parent.
- showInContext(Component, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractContextEditorPopup
Displays the popup menu at the position x,y in the coordinate space of the component invoker.
- showPanel() - Method in class org.jeditor.diff.JDiffTextPanel
- showTooltip(String) - Method in class org.jeditor.gui.AbstractGutterHandler
Show the tooltip.
- singleChars(String) - Static method in class org.jeditor.diff.Diff
Return an array of Strings of one character only from an input String.
- SMART_HOME_END_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.jeditor.gui.InputHandler
If this client property is set to Boolean.TRUE on the text area, the home/end keys will support 'smart' BRIEF-like behaviour (one
press = start/end of line, two presses = start/end of viewscreen, three presses = start/end of document).
- SPARQLTokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers
SPARQL token marker.
- SPARQLTokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.SPARQLTokenMarker
- SPARQLTokenMarker(KeywordMap) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.SPARQLTokenMarker
- SQLTokenMarker - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers
SQL token marker.
- SQLTokenMarker() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.SQLTokenMarker
- SQLTokenMarker(KeywordMap) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.SQLTokenMarker
- SQLTokenMarker(KeywordMap, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.SQLTokenMarker
- STATE_CREATED - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.gui.EditorStateListener
The created state.
- STATE_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.gui.EditorStateListener
The modified state.
- STATE_SAVED - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.gui.EditorStateListener
The created state.
- STATE_UNCHANGED - Static variable in interface org.jeditor.gui.EditorStateListener
The unchanged state.
- styles - Variable in class org.jeditor.core.CodeEditorDefaults
- styles - Variable in class org.jeditor.gui.CodeEditorPainter
- supportsMultilineTokens() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.base.TokenMarker
Returns true if the token marker supports tokens that span multiple lines.
- supportsMultilineTokens() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.BatchFileTokenMarker
- supportsMultilineTokens() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.CSSTokenMarker
- supportsMultilineTokens() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.CsvTokenMarker
- supportsMultilineTokens() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.ManifestTokenMarker
- supportsMultilineTokens() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.PatchTokenMarker
- supportsMultilineTokens() - Method in class org.jeditor.scripts.tokenmarkers.PropsTokenMarker
- Syntax - Class in org.jeditor.scripts
Represents a Syntax.
- Syntax(String, Class<TokenMarker>) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.Syntax
- SyntaxDocument - Class in org.jeditor.core
A document implementation that can be tokenized by the syntax highlighting system.
- SyntaxDocument() - Constructor for class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxDocument
- SyntaxManager - Class in org.jeditor.app
Manage the possible file types for the application.
- SyntaxMapper - Class in org.jeditor.scripts
This class maps script name to their associated TokenMarkers.
- SyntaxStyle - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.base
A simple text style class.
- SyntaxStyle(SyntaxStyle) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxStyle
Copy a SyntaxStyle.
- SyntaxStyle(Color, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.scripts.base.SyntaxStyle
Creates a new SyntaxStyle.
- SyntaxTokenizer - Class in org.jeditor.core
A syntax Tokenizer.
- SyntaxTokenizer(String) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxTokenizer
- SyntaxTokenizer(String, CodeEditorDefaults) - Constructor for class org.jeditor.core.SyntaxTokenizer
- SyntaxType - Interface in org.jeditor.scripts
Represent the list of syntax types.
- SyntaxUtilities - Class in org.jeditor.scripts.base
Class with several utility functions used by jEdit's syntax colorizing subsystem.